If you haven't heard of TED Talks before, then you're seriously missing out. TED is a global, not for profit organisation, devoted to 'sharing ideas that matter'. They organise conferences across the world where some of the most inspiring people the world has got give talks on the things that matter to them, then share the videos with the rest of the world via YouTube.

I've been a little obsessed with TED Talks for a couple of years now, but only lately thought to combine this obsession with the one I have for travel. After watching what feels likes hundreds of TED Talks based on travelling, I am pleased to present you with my top five.

Ben Saunders: Why Bother Leaving The House?

Robin Esrock: Learn To Travel, Travel To Learn

Adam Baker: Sell Your Crap, Pay Your Debt, Do What You Love

Jonathon Fields: Turning Fear Into Fuel

Rick Steves - The Value Of Travel

What inspires you to travel?

PS. For more travel inspiration check out these quotes.